Looming Trump charges threaten to inject chaos into 2024 campaign

Looming Trump charges threaten to inject chaos into 2024 campaign


FROM AXIOS: “Looming Trump charges threaten to inject chaos into 2024 campaign”

President Trump has filmed a response to the never-ending witch hunts aimed at destroying our movement.

The Deep State is trying to “inject chaos” into our campaign in an attempt to stop us.

But the President is NOT GOING ANYWHERE. His message is simple: “I WILL NEVER SURRENDER.”

And he knows YOU won’t either.

As the never-ending witch hunts heat up, please make a contribution to defend our movement and SAVE America – for 1,400% impact: https://secure.winred.com/save-america-joint-fundraising-committee/44cb9173d977smsddnlc/?utm_campaign=20230318_lc_dn&utm_medium=sms&utm_source=ci_ds_hf_dn&exitintent=true

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