Author Archives: Make America Great Again

Democratic Representative Comments on Possible Gag Order Against Trump

As Trump hides out in Trump Tower this evening, Democratic Rep Goldman just explained things [...]

Forbes Reports Donald Trump’s Net Worth Plummets by $700 Million and Truth Social Faces Financial Woes

WOW! This is not a good week for Trump! Forbes has just announced that Donald [...]

The Importance of Neutral and Factual Reporting in News

A truly overwhelming show of support for Trump as he heads to Palm Beach Airport [...]

Finland to Join NATO: Implications and Reactions

BREAKING: Finland will become a NATO member Tomorrow. Isn’t it ironic that Trump’s biggest fear, [...]

New York Prosecutors Bring 34 Class E Felony Charges Against Donald Trump: Implications and Potential Consequences

This topic could explore the nature and scope of the charges brought against Donald Trump, [...]

Accusation of Leftist Response to Transgender Terrorist Attack on Children and Implications for Political Discourse

I know we’re focused on the Trump stuff, which is important, but a trans terrorist [...]

“Stronger Than Ever” TRUMP 2024

This topic could include exploring the likelihood of Trump running for president in 2024, assessing [...]

Unsubstantiated Claims of Hillary Clinton’s Involvement in Steele Dossier and Campaign Finance Violations Resurface Amid Criticisms of Lack of Arrest

Hillary Clinton paid for the fake Steele Dossier causing years of national turmoil, the upheaval [...]